The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Evolution
SCAQMD. The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) continues to evolve. Here are a few new asbestos-related developments or rules that have been promulgated or clarified by the Agency in the past few years:
The agency has abandoned AHERA sampling protocol and now requires a minimum 3 samples collected from each unique material, regardless of quantity and type.
Concrete - floors, loading docks, stairwells, etc. - must be sampled prior to any disturbance. 3 samples required, but chipping a piece from the surface (instead of coring with a powered coring bit) is acceptable.
The agency now requires a "discussion" of asbestos in asphalt, whenever it must be removed prior to removal. This came up when a roadway had to be removed to access asbestos - cement pipe. We take that to mean that sampling of asphalt is now required.
In some cases, asbestos – cement pipe must be saw cut to facilitate new fittings. SCAQMD now requires a full enclosure (tent) and HEPA air filtration for this effort.
We continually speak to and correspond with this agency on compliance issues and will happily share copies of those exchanges if requested.